A Message from Pastor Macina Regarding the Coronavirus
March 19, 2020
Dear Members of Risen Christ Lutheran Church,
Greetings in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!
As of 12:00 AM this morning (3/19/2020) an order by the Colorado governor went into effect that no more than 10 people may gather in one place at a time at various functions, including churches, for the next 30 days. Violations can bring about fines and jail. I had said in my first email to you that until the civil authorities mandate that we cannot do so, we will continue to have services. That time has come. And I completely agree!
I had also said in my first email that I thought that the threat of the Corona Virus was being over hyped by the media because they hate our current president. While I still believe that to be the case, we are learning increasingly more about the virus itself and its effect on people. I have been trying to stay educated about the situation so as to know what best to do for our congregation. Aside from the media, politics, and everything else, it has become undeniably obvious to me that this particular virus is not just a different strain of Corona Viruses but it is a completely different virus that has novel behaviors from previous ones. Two things disturb me most: 1) the origins of the virus, and 2) its survivability on surfaces. Some of the latest research has shown that it can last on fabric, plastic, or hard surfaces for up to three days! From what I can gather, most other viruses may last on surfaces such as these for a couple of hours. This is one reason why COVID-19 is so contagious. So, while the media and others may still be using this for political purposes, the fact is that this is a highly contagious and dangerous disease.
With this in mind, I think it is best to heed the warnings of the civil government and willingly cooperate with the ban on gatherings. These warnings are not merely from our state authorities but from the federal government working in coordination with the states. The president’s task force has been dealing with this day and night, and they know more about the virus and its effects on our nation than anyone. They have not been demanding but pleading with the public to cooperate with their guidelines, and now with the governor’s order I believe we have an obligation under the 4th commandment to obey the order and honor our civil authorities whom God has placed in office to protect the public from all kinds of threats … including health threats. The government is not ordering us to stop worshipping, nor is it commanding us to not meet in larger groups for no reason. There is a good reason, and out of love for our neighbor and obedience to the 5th commandment I believe we as Christians have a God-given responsibility to help stop the spread of this virus.
You have also probably heard about social distancing and "the curve.” This has to do with limiting personal contact and interaction in an effort to stop the spread of the virus. The president’s task force said this last Monday that we are in a crucial 15 day period where we can significantly diminish the spread of the virus by isolating our selves or having very minimal contact with other people. This actually will kill the virus if it has no where to go, since viruses can only survive if they spread. Also, if you do contract the virus or are quarantined because you have been exposed to it, please let me know. By minimizing our contact with other people over the next 15-30 days, we can help stop this epidemic.
Therefore, I think it is wise, prudent, and loving to completely shut down our church activities and personal interaction with each other at least through the end of March. If it looks like the virus is subsiding, then we can reevaluate as to whether we want to begin meeting in small groups of no more than ten for services or to provide the sacraments in another way. Please continue to send your offerings to the church since we still have all of our expenses to pay. In spite of our shutdown, I will be in regular contact with you and serve you as best I can in the next few weeks. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any needs, concerns, or joys via phone, text, or email.
Finally, pray! In the sermon last night, we heard that prayer basically involves two things: 1) by the Holy Spirit looking in faith in Christ to the Father to ask him for something either for ourselves or for someone else, and 2) by the Holy Spirit looking in faith in Christ to the Father to thank him for what he has done for us or for someone else. During this time when we cannot be together personally, pray for yourself, pray for your spouse (if married), pray for your children (if you have them), pray for your parents and extended family, pray for our civil leaders, pray for all of our fellow Christians, pray for all the members of our congregation, and lastly pray for me. Pray that the Lord will stop this epidemic and other illnesses. Focus your attention and loving service toward those who are closest to you (spouse, children, parents, loved ones). We will get through this soon. Above all, focus on Christ by reading and meditating on the Holy Scriptures. Have prayer and devotions together. Try not to obsess about what you don’t have or can’t do, but thank God for what you do have and can do. Especially, thank the Holy Father for creating you for eternal life; thank the Holy Son for redeeming you from your sins by his death, resurrection, and ascension; and, thank the Holy Spirit for continually sanctifying you through the Holy Word, Holy Baptism, Holy Absolution, and Holy Communion. Thank God for the day when we are all able to receive together the Word and Sacraments in the Divine Service once again. "It is truly good right and salutary that we should at all times [good and bad] and in all places [church, home, and elsewhere] give thanks to You, O Lord, holy Father, almighty and everlasting God,” who lives and reigns with the Son and the Holy Spirit now and forevermore. Amen!
The Lord bless you and keep you.
The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you.
The Lord look upon you with favor and + give you peace. Amen!
All my love in Christ,
Pastor Macina
Greetings in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!
As of 12:00 AM this morning (3/19/2020) an order by the Colorado governor went into effect that no more than 10 people may gather in one place at a time at various functions, including churches, for the next 30 days. Violations can bring about fines and jail. I had said in my first email to you that until the civil authorities mandate that we cannot do so, we will continue to have services. That time has come. And I completely agree!
I had also said in my first email that I thought that the threat of the Corona Virus was being over hyped by the media because they hate our current president. While I still believe that to be the case, we are learning increasingly more about the virus itself and its effect on people. I have been trying to stay educated about the situation so as to know what best to do for our congregation. Aside from the media, politics, and everything else, it has become undeniably obvious to me that this particular virus is not just a different strain of Corona Viruses but it is a completely different virus that has novel behaviors from previous ones. Two things disturb me most: 1) the origins of the virus, and 2) its survivability on surfaces. Some of the latest research has shown that it can last on fabric, plastic, or hard surfaces for up to three days! From what I can gather, most other viruses may last on surfaces such as these for a couple of hours. This is one reason why COVID-19 is so contagious. So, while the media and others may still be using this for political purposes, the fact is that this is a highly contagious and dangerous disease.
With this in mind, I think it is best to heed the warnings of the civil government and willingly cooperate with the ban on gatherings. These warnings are not merely from our state authorities but from the federal government working in coordination with the states. The president’s task force has been dealing with this day and night, and they know more about the virus and its effects on our nation than anyone. They have not been demanding but pleading with the public to cooperate with their guidelines, and now with the governor’s order I believe we have an obligation under the 4th commandment to obey the order and honor our civil authorities whom God has placed in office to protect the public from all kinds of threats … including health threats. The government is not ordering us to stop worshipping, nor is it commanding us to not meet in larger groups for no reason. There is a good reason, and out of love for our neighbor and obedience to the 5th commandment I believe we as Christians have a God-given responsibility to help stop the spread of this virus.
You have also probably heard about social distancing and "the curve.” This has to do with limiting personal contact and interaction in an effort to stop the spread of the virus. The president’s task force said this last Monday that we are in a crucial 15 day period where we can significantly diminish the spread of the virus by isolating our selves or having very minimal contact with other people. This actually will kill the virus if it has no where to go, since viruses can only survive if they spread. Also, if you do contract the virus or are quarantined because you have been exposed to it, please let me know. By minimizing our contact with other people over the next 15-30 days, we can help stop this epidemic.
Therefore, I think it is wise, prudent, and loving to completely shut down our church activities and personal interaction with each other at least through the end of March. If it looks like the virus is subsiding, then we can reevaluate as to whether we want to begin meeting in small groups of no more than ten for services or to provide the sacraments in another way. Please continue to send your offerings to the church since we still have all of our expenses to pay. In spite of our shutdown, I will be in regular contact with you and serve you as best I can in the next few weeks. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any needs, concerns, or joys via phone, text, or email.
Finally, pray! In the sermon last night, we heard that prayer basically involves two things: 1) by the Holy Spirit looking in faith in Christ to the Father to ask him for something either for ourselves or for someone else, and 2) by the Holy Spirit looking in faith in Christ to the Father to thank him for what he has done for us or for someone else. During this time when we cannot be together personally, pray for yourself, pray for your spouse (if married), pray for your children (if you have them), pray for your parents and extended family, pray for our civil leaders, pray for all of our fellow Christians, pray for all the members of our congregation, and lastly pray for me. Pray that the Lord will stop this epidemic and other illnesses. Focus your attention and loving service toward those who are closest to you (spouse, children, parents, loved ones). We will get through this soon. Above all, focus on Christ by reading and meditating on the Holy Scriptures. Have prayer and devotions together. Try not to obsess about what you don’t have or can’t do, but thank God for what you do have and can do. Especially, thank the Holy Father for creating you for eternal life; thank the Holy Son for redeeming you from your sins by his death, resurrection, and ascension; and, thank the Holy Spirit for continually sanctifying you through the Holy Word, Holy Baptism, Holy Absolution, and Holy Communion. Thank God for the day when we are all able to receive together the Word and Sacraments in the Divine Service once again. "It is truly good right and salutary that we should at all times [good and bad] and in all places [church, home, and elsewhere] give thanks to You, O Lord, holy Father, almighty and everlasting God,” who lives and reigns with the Son and the Holy Spirit now and forevermore. Amen!
The Lord bless you and keep you.
The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you.
The Lord look upon you with favor and + give you peace. Amen!
All my love in Christ,
Pastor Macina